Opening scientific knowledge to debunk myths and lies in human nutrition

Esce oggi su European Journal of Nutrition il nuovo lavoro che ho realizzato con il dott. Davide Venier, dal titolo Opening scientific knowledge to debunk myths and lies in human nutrition
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Abstract dell'articolo
The scientific community still struggles to communicate research results and discoveries to a broad audience of no-experts. This is particularly evident in the field of human nutrition for which looking for online information means moving between the huge availability of Open Access (OA) scientific papers and the vastness and variety of nutrition contents on websites and social networks. The rate of OA papers regarding nutrition and dietetic topics of the papers published so far in the first semester of the year 2023 is 62.5% and it is doubled in the last twenty years. OA papers are free of charge and easily available online to everyone. However, their readability is overly complicated for the general public. Conversely, nutrition contents disseminated online are usually easy to read and to be understood, but they are often far away from reporting reliable information. In this paper, we highlight the role of health professionals in providing scientifically robust explanations to patients, particularly when they declare the intention to follow inappropriate dietary practices or unnecessarily restrictive dietary models. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of the involvement of public health organizations in the dissemination of scientific knowledge about human nutrition.